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This function identifies variables with strong correlations based on a specified threshold.


  method = "spearman",
  verbose = TRUE



A matrix or data.frame containing environmental data.


Method used to estimate the correlation matrix. Possible options include "spearman" (Spearman's rank correlation), "pearson" (Pearson's correlation), or "kendall" (Kendall's tau correlation).


Correlation threshold value. Variables with absolute correlation values greater than or equal to this threshold are considered strongly correlated.


Logical. If TRUE, prints verbose output detailing correlations.


A list with two elements:

  • not_correlated_vars: A vector containing names of variables that are not strongly correlated.

  • correlation_values: A list with correlation values for all pairs of variables.


# \donttest{

tempora_layers_dir <- system.file("extdata/bio",package = "tenm")
abt <- tenm::sp_temporal_data(occs = abronia,
                              longitude = "decimalLongitude",
                              latitude = "decimalLatitude",
                              sp_date_var = "year",
                              layers_date_format= "y",
                              layers_by_date_dir = tempora_layers_dir,
abtc <- tenm::clean_dup_by_date(abt,threshold = 10/60)
abex <- tenm::ex_by_date(abtc,train_prop=0.7)
envdata <- abex$env_data[,-ncol(abex$env_data)]
ecors <- tenm::correlation_finder(environmental_data =envdata,
                                  threshold = 0.7 )
#> Warning: the standard deviation is zero
#> *****************************************************************
#>  Here is a list of variables that can summarize your niche
#>  information, according to the threshold of 0.7 :
#>   bio_01 bio_02 bio_03 bio_04 bio_12 bio_14 bio_15 
#> *****************************************************************
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Correlation list:
#> Variable bio_01 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_01    bio_05    bio_06    bio_08    bio_09    bio_10    bio_11 
#> 1.0000000 0.9720096 0.8622147 0.9762799 0.9389854 0.9884480 0.9708369 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_02 is strongly correlated with:
#>   bio_02   bio_07 
#> 1.000000 0.750235 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_03 is strongly correlated with:
#> bio_03 
#>      1 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_04 is strongly correlated with:
#> bio_04 
#>      1 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_05 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_01    bio_05    bio_06    bio_08    bio_09    bio_10    bio_11 
#> 0.9720096 1.0000000 0.8287244 0.9468420 0.9218126 0.9528169 0.9538006 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_06 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_01    bio_05    bio_06    bio_08    bio_09    bio_10    bio_11 
#> 0.8622147 0.8287244 1.0000000 0.8314238 0.8774418 0.8339515 0.8896244 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_07 is strongly correlated with:
#>   bio_02   bio_07 
#> 0.750235 1.000000 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_08 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_01    bio_05    bio_06    bio_08    bio_09    bio_10    bio_11 
#> 0.9762799 0.9468420 0.8314238 1.0000000 0.9187488 0.9767573 0.9329921 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_09 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_01    bio_05    bio_06    bio_08    bio_09    bio_10    bio_11 
#> 0.9389854 0.9218126 0.8774418 0.9187488 1.0000000 0.9263277 0.9321939 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_10 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_01    bio_05    bio_06    bio_08    bio_09    bio_10    bio_11 
#> 0.9884480 0.9528169 0.8339515 0.9767573 0.9263277 1.0000000 0.9473264 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_11 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_01    bio_05    bio_06    bio_08    bio_09    bio_10    bio_11 
#> 0.9708369 0.9538006 0.8896244 0.9329921 0.9321939 0.9473264 1.0000000 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_12 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_12    bio_13    bio_16    bio_18    bio_19 
#> 1.0000000 0.8849691 0.9095685 0.8344122 0.7131398 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_13 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_12    bio_13    bio_16    bio_18 
#> 0.8849691 1.0000000 0.9462376 0.7578118 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_14 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_14    bio_17 
#> 1.0000000 0.7848596 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_15 is strongly correlated with:
#> bio_15 
#>      1 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_16 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_12    bio_13    bio_16    bio_18 
#> 0.9095685 0.9462376 1.0000000 0.7283047 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_17 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_14    bio_17    bio_19 
#> 0.7848596 1.0000000 0.8555739 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_18 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_12    bio_13    bio_16    bio_18 
#> 0.8344122 0.7578118 0.7283047 1.0000000 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Variable bio_19 is strongly correlated with:
#>    bio_12    bio_17    bio_19 
#> 0.7131398 0.8555739 1.0000000 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
# }