mop calculates a Mobility-Oriented Parity
percent = 10,
comp_each = NULL,
normalized = TRUE,
standardize_vars = TRUE
A SpatRaster of variables representing the calibration area (M area in ENM context).
A SpatRaster of variables representing areas or scenarios to which models will be transferred.
(numeric) percent of values sampled from the calibration region to calculate the MOP.
(numeric) compute distance matrix for a each fixed number of rows (default = 100). This parameter is for paralleling the MOP computations using the furrr package, see example 2.
(logical) if TRUE mop output will be normalized to 1.
Logical. Standardize predictors see
A SpatRaster object of MOP distances.
The MOP is calculated following Owens et al. (2013; doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.04.011 ). This function is a modification of the MOP function in ntbox R package.
# Predictors
m_path <- system.file("extdata/M_layers", package = "smop") |>
g_path <- system.file("extdata/G_layers", package = "smop") |>
M_calibra <- terra::rast(m_path)
G_transfer <- terra::rast(g_path)
# Example 1 compute mop distance in serial
mop_test <- smop::mop(M_calibra = M_calibra, G_transfer = G_transfer,
percent = 20,comp_each = NULL,
normalized = TRUE, standardize_vars=TRUE)
# \donttest{
# Example 2: Run the mop function in parallel
# future::plan("future::multisession",workers = 2)
# mop_test_parallel <- smop::mop(M_calibra = M_calibra,
# G_transfer = G_transfer,
# percent = 20,comp_each = 500,
# normalized = TRUE, standardize_vars=TRUE)
# future::plan("future::sequential")
# terra::plot(mop_test_parallel)
# }