mess calculates multivariate environmental similarity surfaces as described by Elith et al., (2010) and optimized from the mess function of the dismo-package.

mess(M_calibra, G_transfer)



A SpatRaster or a Matrix of variables representing the calibration area (M area in ENM context). If M_stack is matrix it should contain the values of environmental variables as get it from values function.


A SpatRaster or a Matrix of variables representing areas or scenarios to which models will be transferred. If G_stack is matrix it should contain the values of environmental variables as get it from values function.


A SpatRaster or a matrix with MESS values


Elith J., M. Kearney M., and S. Phillips, 2010. The art of modelling range-shifting species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1:330-342.


m_calibra <- terra::rast(list.files(system.file("extdata/M_layers",
                                    package = "smop"),
                                    pattern = ".tif$",
                                    full.names = TRUE))
g_transfer <- terra::rast(list.files(system.file("extdata/G_layers",
                                    package = "smop"),
                                    pattern = ".tif$",
                                    full.names = TRUE))

messVals <- smop::mess(M_calibra = m_calibra,
                       G_transfer = g_transfer)