On this page you can find the links to the work I have done during the amzing GSoC 2016. This work was done under the supervision of my mentors:
The first stage of the project corresponds to the development of biodiversity data curation functions.
mapsThe second stage functions are related to curate spatial occurence data using leaflet
maps, generate a workflow report and also to extract the environmental values of the occurrences data to explore and study species niches in the Niche space.
The third stage functions are related to model species niches and to estimate species distributions. To do the above I devolped methods to run algorithms that predict species niches and estimate species potential distributions (Elliposid models, bioclim and MaxEnt
). There are also some methods that convert the potential distribution map into a binary map which attempts to show where does the species is distributed. This last part includes methos to evaluate the species distribution maps.
Fielding AH and Bell F. (1997) A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in conservation presence/absence models. Environmental Conservation 24(1):38–49
Peterson AT, Vieglais DA (2001) Predicting species invasions using ecological niche modeling: New approaches from bioinformatics attack a pressing problem. Bioscience 51:363-371
Peterson AT (2003) Predicting the geography of species’ invasions via ecological niche modeling. Quarterly Review of Biology 78:419-433
Peterson AT, Papes M., Soberon J. (2008) Rethinking receiver operating characteristic analysis applications in ecological niche modeling. Ecological modeling 213:63–72
Peterson AT, Soberón J., Pearson R., Anderson R., Martínez-Meyer E., Nakamura M. & Araújo M. (2011) Ecological Niches and Geographic Distributions. Princeton University Press